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Don't miss out our exclusive offer: Get our water fountains for just $188!
Rejuvenate Your Home or Office with NAGARE Fountains | nagare

Rejuvenate Your Home or Office with NAGARE Fountains

Flowing water is symbolic of eternity, healing and life. So, not only does an indoor water fountain offer a focal point in your decor, it also promotes inner well being which attracts all positive flows in your life.

indoor water fountain Singapore at home

Home & Office Essentials

NAGARE collections are specially curated and designed to have the perfect water fountain for your home and office. We know because we use them every day.

water fountain for office

Warm Lights

At NAGARE, we use only warm white lights for our water fountains. It mimics the shade of the warm evening sun, and promotes relaxation to help you wind down at the end of the day.